Reporting Feedback

Feedback on assessment reports comes in multiple ways and from multiple sources.

Annual Feedback

Assessment staff in the Office of Instruction will provide feedback annually on any reports submitted. Please be patient—UGA has over 500 programs submitting annual assessment reports. Assessment staff will also follow up with any programs who do not submit annual reports. 


Academic Program Review Feedback

As part of the seven-year academic program review conducted by the University Council Program Review and Assessment Committee, a faculty review team will evaluate the most recent three years of assessment reporting and provide feedback to the program on assessment practice. Typically, one member of the four-person faculty review team will receive specialized training in assessment evaluation by Office of Assessmnet and will lead the team’s efforts.

Both the annual feedback and academic program review feedback are provided using this Program Assessment Good Practices Rubric.


Informal Feedback

If your program would benefit from off-cycle feedback on existing or emerging assessment practice, you can request assistance from Dr. Katie Burr, Director of Assessment in the Office of Instruction at


Purpose of Feedback

All feedback is formative—intended to help program faculty improve the usefulness and efficiency of assessment in future cycles. The criteria used as the basis for feedback are derived from the commonly held good practices in learning outcomes assessment as defined by the American Association for Higher Education (2004):

  • Programs should have clearly defined student learning outcomes that focus on knowledge, skills, and competencies. These outcomes should be measurable.
  • Assessment measures should clearly address the degree to which student attain the defined learning outcomes.
  • Assessment measures should be independent from course grades and teaching evaluations.
  • Multiple assessment methods should be used. A mix of direct and indirect assessment is recommended.
  • Data and information should be collected over time and analyzed longitudinally.
  • The analysis of data should result in findings relevant to the program.
  • Improvements in the program should be planned and enacted in response to the findings.