Institutional Competency Assessment Plan and Reports

Assessing Institutional Competencies

At UGA, we believe that fostering institutional competencies is not just a priority, but a cornerstone in shaping well-rounded individuals prepared to excel in an ever-evolving global landscape. Assessing students' acquisition of institutional competencies is crucial as it provides valuable insights into their holistic development and world readiness. By evaluating these competencies, UGA ensures that its educational programs continually refine their approaches to effectively cultivate essential skills.

UGA assesses institutional competencies on a semesterly basis. The Institutional Competencies Subcommittee of the University Curriculum Committee approves courses that map to one or more competencies. Once approved, the Office of Assessment works with course instructors to evaluate student work using corresponding rubrics adapted from the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics.    

Institutional Competency Assessment Reports

We will begin formally assessing institutional competencies in Fall 2024. The following cumulative reports offer data from direct assessment of the former General Education competencies, which were in place until Spring 2024. See Archives section for additional general education assessment reports.